


Sport-2 version 2.0 is already available!

Sport-2 version 2.0 is already available!
We start sales of updated version of «Sport-2» kit for Saiga-9 and TR9 Paradox . We've made a change in the top rail. Previously it was made without a lowered front part. Now, in the front part of B-31LP upper handguard there is a Basis rail, where you can directly install the «Perst Leader» combined device. The possibilities of the platform are not limited to this. If necessary, you can form a Picatinny rail on it and install Picatinny-compatible equipment.

At the moment, two variants of Sport kits are available for Saiga-9 and TR9 Paradox: «Sport-2» and «Sport-3». Both of them now have a lowered platform at the top front. User experience has shown that this option is optimal and most popular. The difference between the kits is that «Sport-3» has a Picatinny rail in this place. «Sport-2» - Basis rail. The update of «Sport-2» is dictated by the upcoming release of «Perst Leader» combined device: 4-in-1, integrated into the rails. Initially, it was designed for «Leader» kit. But we are expanding the number of possible compatible platforms. We will tell you more about «Perst Leader» very soon: the first serial batch is already in production. By the way, on the photo there is already an updated sample. We will tell more about this separately.