

Cape Verde

"Gran" thermal imagers are released!

"Gran" thermal imagers are released!
"Gran-1" and "Gran-2" thermal imaging sighting and observation devices are now available on the territory of Russian Federation! Products are designed for use on rifles and tactical helmets, have a wide range of equipment in the kit. "Gran-1" and "Gran-2" differ in shape: "Gran-1" is shorter and higher; "Gran-2" is longer and lower, it also has a Picatinny rail on top. According to the characteristics they are the same:
  • Sensor: 640x512.
  • Frame rate: up to 50Hz.
  • Digital zoom: 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x. There is an additional window with a magnification of 2x relative to the main one. The additional window can be disabled.
  • Germanium lens: 25mm.
  • It is possible to record photos / videos.
  • Display modes: warm - white, warm - black, warm - red, warm - yellow.
More information about products - on our website. Product pages:
In the near future we will prepare detailed reviews with demonstration in practice, description of the characteristics and much, much more.